
Showing posts from October, 2023

Types of Landforms and factors affecting Landform development

  A) What are Landforms? Geomorphology is the significant branch of physical geography. It is defined as a science of description of various forms on Earth's Surface.  On the other hand, geomorphology is termed as the scientific study of surface features on Earth involving interpretative description of landforms, their origin, nature and mechanism of geomorphological processes which evolves the land. With diverse physical characteristics, landforms are spread throughout the planet. Together, they constitute a specific terrain and their physical arrangement in the landscape forming topography. The features of landforms include Slope, elevation, rock exposure, stratification and rock type. These are further categorized into many different landforms based on their physical features and shapes. Examples of distinctive landforms include, mountains, valleys, plateaus, glaciers, hills, loess, desserts, shoreline and plains. Features such as volcanoes, lakes, rivers, mid oceanic ridge...