
Showing posts from October, 2022

What is Climate Change? What are the factors affecting it?

  What is Climate? Climate refers to the typical characteristic pattern of weather elements at a particular place for a longer period. It can be described as the average measurement of temperatures, wind, humidity, snow and rain in a particular region over the course of years.  Whereas, the Weather conditions at a place can change from hour to hour and day to day, for a shorter period of time.   Climate change or Global Climatic Crisis is a serious matter that is being experienced in different parts of the world. It has increased the rate of mortalities through different aspects. The changes in the climate may be natural, but since 1800s human activities have been the main cause of Climate change, due to factors like burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which produce heat- trapping gases that are harmful for the environment.  As a result, excess usage of these resources is the main reason we are going through major environmental issues which act as ob...