
Top 10 Mysterious Rock Formations around the world

  A] Concept of Rock Cycle: The rock cycle describes the processes through which three main rock types (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary) transform from one type into another. The formation, movement and transformation of rocks results from Earth's internal heat property, pressure from tectonic processes and effects water, wind, gravity and biological activities. Through the texture of a rock it indicates the conditions under which it was formed and also tell us about the history of Earth. Different types of rocks form in Earth's various environments at or below the Earth's Surface. The uplift of land caused by Tectonic processes, exposes the rock leading to weathering and erosion. The extraction of rocks and fossil fuels, which in turn can destabilize soils, will ultimately increase erosion and decrease water quality by increasing sediments and pollutants in rivers and streams. B] Mysterious Rock formations around the world : 1. Stone Forest : The  Stone Forest  is a...

Cyclones: Meaning, Formation and its Causes

What are Cyclones? In meteorological terms, a cyclone is a large air mass that rotates around strong center of low atmospheric pressure. In other words, the atmospheric disturbances which involve a closed circulation around a low pressure center, anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere are called as Cyclones. The early or weak phases of a cyclone are called as Tropical Depressions. Cyclones that occur in the Atlantic and North-East Pacific regions are called as hurricanes. Whereas, a cyclone occurring in the North -West Pacific region is called as Typhoons.  How are Cyclones formed? Warm and moist air over the ocean rises upwards due to less density, leaving less air near the ocean surface. As a result, it starts to create a low pressure zone. Due to the surrounding high -pressure areas, air flows into this low-pressure zone and eventually warms up, forming a cycle. With the constant heat rising above warm air and evaporation process, the e...

World Environment Day 2024!!

  World Environment Day:   World Environment Day is a global event celebrated every year on June 5th. It is an initiative led by the United Nations (UN).  It is a special day observed worldwide to focus on environmental issues.  It helps raise awareness and promote action for the protection of the environment.  It serves as a platform for communities to come together and address environmental challenges. World Environment Day aims to encourage communities to take action towards protecting the environment. It helps advocate for policy changes and promote environmental policies at local, national, and international levels. The day aims to engage young people and communities in environmental activities. World Environment Day promotes international cooperation among countries to address global environmental issues. It encourages countries to work together and share knowledge. Importance of World Environment Day: People all over the world can use World Environment Da...

Formation and types of Volcanoes

  FORMATION OF VOLCANOES : A volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust that allows hot, molten rock (magma), volcanic ash, and gases to escape from the mantle. The mantle is the layer of hot, solid rock that lies between the Earth's crust and the core. When magma reaches the surface, it is called lava. Volcanoes are found all over the world, but they are most common along the edges of tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are large pieces of Earth's Crust that are constantly moving. When two tectonic plates move apart or diverge in two different directions, magma can rise up to mantle and fill the gap between the spaces. This is how volcanoes are formed at mid- oceanic ridges.  When two tectonic plates come together, one plate may be forced down into the mantle. As the plate sinks, it heats up and releases water vapor and other gases. These gases can cause the magma in the mantle to rise up and erupt through the Earth's Crust. This is how volcanoes are formed at Subduction ...

What is Cartography?

  What is Cartography? Cartography simply describes the making and study of maps. It involves research, exploration and design process of drawing an accurate map. Cartography requires both scientific and artistic specialization to create an effective visual representation of an area. A cartographer is the one who creates maps.  The word ' Cartographer ' comes from a Latin word- " Charta - meaning Tablet or a leaf of paper ", and Greek word " Graphein- means to draw or write something ". Cartographers and Photogrammetrists, usually learn to create maps through educational degrees in the field of Cartography, Geography, Geomatics and Surveying. The fundamental nature of Cartography has changed with the evolving technologies, providing cartographers with new methods of visualization and communication of spatial information. History of Cartography: The history of Cartography refers to the development and consequences of Cartography or map making technology, thro...

Meaning and Types of Meteorological Hazards

  What are Meteorological Hazards? Meteorological Hazards are extreme events, caused due to anomalies and instability in weather. Hazards like Cyclones, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Hailstorms, Cloudbursts all have enormous amount of energy to disrupt normal life and cause heavy damage to all life forms on Earth. Meteorological Hazards are weather related phenomena which are produced by certain imbalance in the Earth's atmosphere. These are violent and sudden events caused due to weather forming process and they cause serious damage to human lives and to the environment. Strong winds, excessive rainfall, extreme heat and the weather is mainly responsible for occurrence of meteorological hazards. Types of Meteorological Hazards: 1. Cyclones: The cyclones are irregular wind movements involving closed air circulation around a low pressure centre. This closed air circulation is caused by atmospheric disturbances over Earth's Surface. Cyclones are associated with destructive and viole...